Participation fee / Seminarkosten

Participation fee:

  • 200 € for 5 days
  • 50 € for 1 day

This price is for payment by Wire Tansfer until May 31st, 2019. In the case of payment after May 31st and before June 30th, fee will increase for 10 %
(220 € for 5 days, 55 € for 1 day).

In the case of  timely payment and if there is no possibility to participate on Seminar from any reason, the amount of payment will be returned (- 5 % for transaction cost).

Participation fee contains:

  • 30 hours of organized keiko
  • interpreter from Japanese to English
  • food on Sayonara party
  • beverages during keiko
  • excursion (to be updated soon!)

Please pay Wire Transfer to:

Recipient Kendo Kenkyukai Fulda e.V.

Bank Sparkasse Fulda

Bank adress Buttermarkt 2-6, 36037 Fulda

IBAN DE91 5305 0180 0048 0068 77


Payment description EUS 19, SURNAME NAME

Please do not forget to mention depositor’s name(s) and remember that the deadline for payment is June 30th, 2019.